Bristol Ghost Tours
Bristol Ghost Tours
Take a walk with the Dead!

A little bit of information about who we are, what we do and why we started these tours.
Hello there, I'm Dr Lynch and I'm tolerably excited to welcome you all to Bristol Ghost Tours! You may recognised the name, as I am indeed the same Dr Lynch from Bath Ghost Tours.
After many years of leading highly praised tours around the haunts of Bath, I started researching some of the literally dozens of hauntings in Bristol. Having grown up in Bristol, and indeed having lived in a haunted house in the city as a child, I knew that the city should have, and deserved a proper ghost tour. It has taken two years of research, but finally in 2023, we were ready to share some of the many stories that have been uncovered. We have had to be quite brutal in deciding which haunts are included, as Bristol itself, is a difficult city to discover on foot. Consequently, our ghost tour is centred around the Old Medieval area of the city, which unsurprisingly perhaps, is full of tales of the paranormal!
In creating these tours in Bristol, it became apparent that Bristol was, in many ways a very different city to that of Bath. There were more steps to negotiate, busy roads to get around, and to be blunt, the centre of the city can be quite, shall we say vibrant?
It was important to design these tours around these issues, as well as ensure that the tour itself would still retain the elements of fun and family friendliness, that we have managed to include in the Bath Ghost Tours. To help with this. we have decided to start the tours at 7.30pm, outside the Bristol Cathedral, in order to be able to finish the tours in Queen Square, at a time before it gets too loud in the city.
We have included as many of the best stories that we can in the route, and removed the majority of the steps, with the notable exception of Christmas Steps, which, you will discover, is just too good to miss out!